ทำไม มาตรการ QE ของสหรัฐ ไม่ทำให้เกิดเงินเฟ้อ ขั้นรุนแรง /โดย ลงทุนแมน
Quantitative Easing หรือที่เรียกสั้นๆ ว่า QE
คือเครื่องมือหนึ่ง ที่ธนาคารกลาง ใช้ในการกระตุ้นเศรษฐกิจ
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...Continue ReadingWhy U.S. QE measures don't cause severe inflation / by investman
Quantitative Easing aka QE
Is one tool that central banks use to stimulate the economy.
By pumping money to increase liquidity for the economic system in slowing economic progress.
But the result that many people worry about is.
Amount of money will rise in the economic system which will bring inflation.
And may be severe to severe inflation aka ′′ Hyperinflation
We have seen many countries do QE hard.
Will this lead to severe inflation in the future?
Investing man will try to analyse it.
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First, let's understand the meaning of Hyperinflation.
Hyperinflation is a condition where product prices rise quickly.
Makes the country's money value go down dramatically
Why the value of money goes down
As a result, lots and lots of money flowing into the economy.
Compared to the same amount of goods and services in the economic system.
Price increases product prices quickly
An example of past severe Hyperinflation incident.
Such as in Hungary and Venezuela
Hyperinflation in Hungary happened in 1946
During that time, Hungary was heavily damaged by WWI.
Especially various infrastructure systems.
The Hungarian Government has shortage of budgets in economic revival.
So I decided to print a lot of money to repair the city's home and stimulate the economy.
Making money in Hungary's system is increasing tremendously.
As much as the amount of money increases, the domestic products are still the same.
So it makes inflation rise quickly
Hungary average product prices increase to 2 times in 15 hours.
By the moment of Hyperinflation
Hungary inflation rate rises to 150,000 % within one day.
Venezuela part of year 2019
Venezuelan inflation rises to 10,000,000
The cause of this story is similar to the case of Hungary
Well there is excessive economic system injection
Both to stimulate a slowing economy from low petrol prices.
Including to use for government's populist policies
We'll see that all 2 events have one thing in common.
Well there is a huge economic system injection.
Which leads to hyperinflation
Back at present COVID crisis-19
Many countries have measures to stimulate the economy.
With lots of money pumping into the economic system
US Central Bank
Using unlimited amount of QE measures
From the original designated price of about 22 trillion baht per year.
Central Bank of Japan
It's another country that uses unlimited amount of QE measures.
From the original designated, about 24 trillion baht per year.
European Central Bank announces more projects
In acquisition of emergency assets worth over 27 trillion baht.
It will see that many countries are now pumping a lot of money into the system.
And in many countries, I used to do heavy QE before.
For example, the case of the USA.
There has been a lot of money pumping into the economic system in the past 10 years.
Since the 2008 US Real Estate Bubble crisis.
Interesting is that US inflation rates aren't adjusted to much higher like the cases of Hungary and Venezuela.
2010 US average inflation rate equates to 1.6 %
2019 US average inflation rate equates to 1.8 %
Japan is another country where xỳāng h̄nạk measures are taken.
But inflation is still at low near 0 % as well.
Why is the story like this?
This phenomenon is partly because
US and Japan central banks make QE through asset purchases.
Both bonds, shares, loan from commercial banks.
And commercial banks are responsible for re-releasing money into the economy.
But what happens is that commercial banks don't forward the money they get from central banks.
To the business and household sector as everyone thought at first.
The cause is because during economic recession or slowdown.
Household sector tends to save money rather than bring money to spend.
Due to insecure future economic
For example, in USA.
The deposit amount in the COVID-19 pre-birth system is around 416 trillion baht.
But when COVID-19 goes viral, deposits in the system increase to almost 500 trillion baht.
Within just a few months
Meanwhile, a bad economic situation.
Making selling business sector products and services difficult.
Making production and service still very much available.
Business sector may not require a loan to expand business.
Enough demand for products and services doesn't increase higher.
Well, things don't go much higher.
Even with lots of money in the system
Another point is.
Countries with large economies like USA and Japan
Own the world's main currency with high credibility.
Most people still believe and still demand to hold these currency.
In conclusion, if you ask for QE making of big countries today.
Will it lead to severe inflation in the future?
I have to say that this problem can be difficult for big countries like USA and Japan.
But the point is, this plague crisis doesn't know when it ends.
And countries inject money log in
For a country which is economically stable as a big country, it might be careful.
Because those countries may have severe inflation, different from this case..
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同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅IniAnwarHadi,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Azhar (@ai_square) membincangkan mangsa ragging atau buli di UPNM tempohari. Link Sumber: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Defence_University_...
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It's useless to have information on hand. If you don't have a code, you can show it as a picture.
Visualization with data. Purpose to show information as graphics. Beautiful graphics. You can tell stories in a picture which is more understood than describing letters or empty words.
Think about when we went to present a presentation for customers or users.
Standing in front of the conference room. Eye contact. Let's talk.
Just talking in technical language. The more I don't see the picture.
How confused will the users listen???
I will complain about IT people..... I don't know what to say....
I won't pay for you to hire me... eh, related.
I have a chance to touch it. I have a chance to play the JavaScript library.
Is it for visualization or is it visualization with information?
And we can show you the results of the browser web page.
It's free to use. Let's share.
The name of the library is ′′ d3 js ′′ Check out the usage manual here
This one is very popular. The code is published on github.
There are people fork going to be almost 2 ten thousand to give 8 ten thousand stars. Almost 9 ten thousand.
Documents are translated in many languages
(Except Thai, I don't have it. Damn. Pub)
This library uses JavaScript to write graphs
But ES6 is going to get lower.
Who has never written JavaScript. A little to much.
Because I will find grammar to make me feel headache for fun.
Found both brackets and wing stacked.
If anyone isn't javaScript, buy my book, read it.
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pub wiki 在 黃中岳談吉他 Facebook 八卦
{{ 肆. 談談現場演出實務經驗 }}_09
所以,時代、環境的改變,似乎也沒能阻擋了這些新血的企圖與成績。我的摯友張超然博士(臺灣最具代表性的音樂論壇『當代樂手』創辦人 https://modernmusician.com/forums/index.php )在國外潛心鑽研作曲理論之前就曾經說過:『會成為鑽石的,終究會成為鑽石---不論它在哪裡』。相距十五年、兩個世代的音樂工作者,都有人在截然不同的時空環境裡找到他們留下印記的方式,這其中,應該會有某些相通的邏輯或模式,可以讓我們找到而且能分析、討論並且重複驗證的,只是……
[二. 認識現場的器材_04]~你
我在北藝大的『製作概論』課程中,與同學們討論到這個議題時,很喜歡用一個模型來說明:把你的左手或右手的大拇指、食指與中指,各朝一個方向伸直、互相成為彼此的九十度角,你會得到一個象徵了三維空間的向量坐標(比較正確的命名應該是叫做『弗萊明右手定則』,我們只是借用來往下討論 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%B3%E6%89%8B%E5%AE%9A%E5%89%87 ),將任一手指的彼此定義為:『我想不想要做音樂』、『我能不能夠做音樂』與『我應不應該做音樂』的三種檢查尺度,然後拿這個空間坐標來對應自己真實的情況,你會很清楚地意識與定位出你與音樂之間的關係。
1. 對所有遇到的狀況都習慣性地問『為什麼』。
2. 真的認真的思考。
『會成為鑽石的,終究會成為鑽石---不論它在哪裡』---但我是不是忘了告訴你,碳元素要經過多少時間、多大的壓力纔會『晶化』,以及它要經過怎樣的車工、切割,纔會顯露它的光澤與價值?(https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20051024000014KK03010 )
人在異鄉,突然有了這些感觸;而~與此同時,這個當地的樂團自己就唱起了『你要的愛』!在這首阿妮的代表作、我也有所參與的音樂中(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X8zK_ck5KU ),自己思前想後地琢磨著該怎麼告訴你:也許你所遇到的根本不是環境許不許可、能力夠不夠的問題!
pub wiki 在 IniAnwarHadi Youtube 的評價
Azhar (@ai_square) membincangkan mangsa ragging atau buli di UPNM tempohari.
Link Sumber:
http://malaysiagazette.com/v2/blog/2017/06/02/kematian-zulfarhan-siasatan-di-bawah-seksyen- 302-kesalahan-membunuh/
http://sarawakvoice.com/2017/06/03/penuntut-upnm-maut-selepas-dibelasah-36-rakan- seuniversiti-kerana-tuduhan-curi-komputer-riba/
http://www.sinarharian.com.my/mobile/semasa/polis-mungkin-tahan-beberapa-individu-lain- 1.684647
http://malaysiagazette.com/v2/blog/2017/06/05/kes-buli-upnm-bekas-pensyarah-kongsi- pengalaman/
http://www.themalaymailonline.com/projekmmo/berita/article/tiada-siapa-terlepas-tindakan-kes- kadet-mati-didera-kata-menteri
http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/bahasa/2017/06/03/mcpf-kes-buli-di-ipt-tidak-boleh- diterima/
http://ww1.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2010&dt=0713&pub=Utusan_Malaysia&sec=Kam pus&pg=ka_02.htm
http://mountdweller.blogspot.my/2015/11/buli-di-upnm-kalau-di-universiti.html#!/tcmbck http://fuh.com.my/kes-buli-paling-terkena-di-malaysia/

pub wiki 在 TJ VLOG Youtube 的評價
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pub wiki 在 IniAnwarHadi Youtube 的評價
Azhar (@ai_square) membincangkan juadah raya yang mungkin kita belum pernah dengar sebelum ini.
Link Sumber:
http://www.kosmo.com.my/kosmo/content.asp?y=2012&dt=0226&pub=Kosmo&s ec=Rencana_Utama&pg=ru_01.htm
http://kampungpisang2.blogspot.my/2012/02/rendang-tok-sebenarnya- dikatakan.html

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